Why Should I Start Blogging? 📝

Why Should I Start Blogging? 📝

Writing a blog is not just a hobby, but it opens up a lot of opportunities.

Many people have different reasons why they started blogging. For me, the motivation was that I enjoy sharing my knowledge with people and want to demonstrate what I know and can accomplish in some way.


“Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.” — Penelope Trunk

Many developers struggle to explain themselves, and by that, I don't mean in a professional manner, but rather in a way that the general reader can understand what they're trying to say.

I'm aware that this is a challenging assignment. However, we can enhance this by writing articles.

Blogging has the added benefit of allowing us to learn a language by writing in it. It increases our visibility in the computer world.


It enables us to track our progress. In a sense, we're demonstrating what we know and can do, since if we want to write a good post, we need to know what we're talking about. Above all, it improves self-confidence.


You just take a pen and paper (or a computer and MS Word) and begin writing (typing) about the subject we wish to share.

Well, sessions aren't so simple because you're instantly troubled by ideas of what others will think about it, what to, and what not to add, and this article, in my opinion, isn't worth addressing...

Too often, feeling intimidated becomes our excuse not to be awesome. – Scott Stratten

The first lesson I learned about writing is that we should write for ourselves, not for others. When we make our writings about others, we may end up spending more time than required, and at the end up the day, we end up getting frustrated 😤 with the whole process. There would be fewer overall bloggers than there are today if everyone dealt with these difficulties.


When it comes to launching a blog, you have two options: utilize a specialized writing platform or get your own domain and web hosting and start from scratch.

Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages.

Using a platform

We are familiar with a number of platforms on which we can publish our blog posts. Medium, DevTo, and Hashnode are a few of them...

All of these platforms allow other people who are interested in the topic to see our articles.

Most platforms are SEO-friendly, helping search engines such as Google and Bing to rank that content higher. However, the platform's most important features are generally free of charge.

I would recommend Hashnode as a fantastic platform for creating articles because it is quite adaptable. It's definitely worth a look, and its articles are mainly tech related, and it would give you a good edge in the tech world. We can use our own domain with a free SSL certificate provided by this platform, and we can basically set up a totally personal blog.

If you consider writing about other general topics like, poetry, drama, hobbies, lifestyle, etc. I'd suggest you go with Medium. If you don't know how to go about setting up your account, you can check out their docs. There are tons of articles that would help you get started.


Many people have negative attitudes toward writing and reading. Each day, though, we write and read. Do you ever write down a task on a piece of paper? Do you create your shopping list by hand? However, we read at every turn. As a result, I don't see why you shouldn't start a blog.

To begginer developers, this might sounds like an extra burden, and quite unnecessary. But trust me, there is no feeling in the world that beats the joy you get, when you realize that a random article you wrote helped in solving someone's problem.

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. – Marilyn Monroe

The journey might seem difficult at the beginning. There will be days when you won't feel like writing, might even run into weeks. There will be days when we feel our writings are of low quality, and not worth reading/sharing. Remember, it's totally okay to feel this way. I've been there several times. Don't let such feelings stop you from pushing on, get your ass back up, grab a pen, a sheet of paper, your notepad, etc and get back to work. Keep at it, till it becomes a part of you.

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We could not only help people by writing a blog, but we can also demonstrate our skills to potential employers.

Since starting my blog, I've begun utilizing a lot more social media platforms. At the same time, I recognized that, if we knew how to utilize social media correctly, we can harness immense potential.

Several companies nowadays value good product documentation. With a blog, we may demonstrate that we can write on a specific topic.

At the same time, writing a blog can fetch you extra money in a very simple way. Ideas on how to go about that in my upcoming article.


All it takes is the desire to create a blog for every one of us. This may most likely appear to be a pointless task at first, but with time and dedication, it will become simpler and, most likely, profitable.

You don’t have to be big. You have to be remarkable. – Joe Pulizzi

This is my first time writing in Hashnode. I am a huge fan of DevTo. This article was written to inspire a friend, that just started her web dev. journey...., but still feels skeptical sharing her ideas to the world.

Kindly drop comments below. Btw, if you would want to see more of this, follow my social handles, or 👇

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